10 juices and smoothies for your family well-being
Fruits and vegetables are excellent allies for our well-being and that of our children. In addition to eating so much, we can prepare colorful and delicious juices that will please everyone. We have made a list of seasonal fruit and vegetable juices for you to blend with a centrifuge, extractor or blender.
Fruit and vegetables for your smoothies in February and March
Oranges are famous for the content of vitamin C, vitamin A, and pectin. Thanks to the presence of flavonoids they also have antioxidant properties.
The banana is rich in potassium, a mineral particularly useful for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. It also contains vitamin A, B1, B2, PP, C. E and is considered a highly energetic food.
It is rich in vitamin A and carotenoids, phytonutrients thanks to which it has proved to be an excellent food for the health of eyes and skin. It also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, sedative and diuretic properties; It is good for the muscles and contributes to the well being of the respiratory tract.
Fennel is very rich in water and is an excellent digestive and sedative; it is especially recommended to calm spasms and abdominal pains. It has purifying and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains vitamin A, some of the B group, vitamin C, and potassium.
Kiwi is perfect for our body due to its high vitamin C content; excellent for enhancing the immune system, to prevent the action of free radicals and to ensure proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the iron and magnesium it contains, kiwi is useful to combat stress and is also an excellent source of fiber.
The lemon has purifying and detoxifying properties. Thanks to the presence of vitamin C it helps to develop the immune system and to fight free radicals, counteracting the natural aging process of our cells.
It is a fruit poor in sugars. Excellent for keeping lousy cholesterol under control; it is a purifying, digestive, antibacterial and rich in vitamins, antioxidants, folic acid, and flavonoids.
The pear is an excellent supplement of vitamins and minerals. In particular, it is rich in vitamin C, K, potassium, and fiber. It is an excellent fruit to counteract the action of free radicals, to keep cholesterol under control and to safeguard the wellbeing of the bones.
They are rich in minerals and vitamins. They are good for sight, heart, bones, and skin, have anti-inflammatory properties and are an excellent source of energy, thanks to chlorophyll; they help strengthen the immune system and keep hypertension under control.
It is an excellent remedy against nausea, an excellent digestive, a powerful painkiller and a remedy against colds, coughs and seasonal ills. Helps to keep body temperature constant.
Healthy smoothies and juices recipe

1. Energetic smoothie:
4 carrots
2 organic oranges
mint leaves
Cut and slice into carrots and cut them into slices. Centrifuge everything and decorated with mint leaves.
2. Oats and a banana smoothie:
1 banana
3 tablespoons of oatmeal
1 cup of milk
1 pinch of cinnamon
Add to the ingredients and blend for a couple of minutes. You can replace cow’s milk with other plant products, such as milk or almond milk. In the end, sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon.
3. Ginger juice cocktail:
1 carrot
1 pear
1 apple sees
1 piece of ginger root
1 cup of coconut water
This smoothie is perfect for those who want to fill up energy without exceeding the calories. Both ginger and carrots help to control hunger stimulation, as well as green apples.
The apple and the pear are parceled, peeled the carrot and peeled the ginger. Put everything in the blender and blend for a few minutes.
4. Happy morning smoothie:
4 carrots
1 fennel
half an apple
half a cucumber
a handful of spinach
a piece of ginger
Wash the carrots carefully, the apple, and the cucumber, without peeling them. Add the fennel, spinach, and ginger and centrifuge everything.
A dose of fresh energy to start the day well
5. Rapunzel smoothie:
2 apples
3 carrots
1 bunch of mint
half a teaspoon of cinnamon
half a cup of water
Wash and slice all the ingredients, then centrifuge them. The vitamin content of these ingredients is shown to improve blood circulation and therefore also to promote hair growth.
6. Creamy apple smoothie
1 apple
1 banana
1 orange juice
1 jar of yogurt
half a cup of milk
1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil
Squeeze the orange. Add the apple, the banana, and the other ingredients.Thanks to the presence of flaxseed oil, rich in omega 3 and fatty acids, this smoothie is excellent for hair health.
7. Green Cleansing smoothie
1 apple
1 pear
10 leaves of black cabbage
half a lemon
Peel the lemon, remove the apple and the core and centrifuge the whole.
Here is a purifying and super-nutritious juice, thanks to the black cabbage, also excellent for keeping cholesterol under control and boosting the immune system.
8. Purifying juice
half a fennel
half a cucumber
1 apple
1 bunch of mint
1 piece of ginger
Take off the core apple and add it to the rest of the ingredients. Process everything with the centrifuge.
9. Super digestive juice
1 apple
3 carrots
1 orange
Peel the orange and remove the core apple. Add it to the carrots and centrifuge it.
10. Citrus juice
2 grapefruits
1 lemon
1 lime
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Peel the fruit, but only the hardest rind. Slice the ingredients and put them in the centrifuge. Finally add the olive oil, stir. A juice to fill up with vitamins.
These colorful juices are a great idea to add fruits and vegetables to your children’s snack habits.