
Becoming an eco-conscious mom

In the beginning, there were blisters on the hands and rashes on the face. Something was changing in my body; I noticed it in my skin first: I couldn’t tolerate detergents any longer. I found out only right after the test that my higher skin sensitivity was linked to the pregnancy just begun.
Thus my story began as an eco-aware mom and keened on natural cosmetics.

The basics?

Learn to read the labels of cosmetic products and know-how to decipher an INCI;

Know the existence of Bio-dictionary indicating the skin tolerance of cosmetic ingredients;

Use an app that would allow me to quickly assess whether the product I was going to buy was respectful to the skin (it had become impossible to shop in perfumery without losing the hours!);

A new world opened up to me, and I started to think about what I could do to take care of myself naturally and the upcoming baby. This how I found out.

Cloth diapers

cloth diapers

How many readers and parents use them? Back in the day, the so-called “triangle” that my grandmother used to wash and that I put on the dolls while I was playing.

Today there is an infinite number of cloth diapers made with cotton or other materials, colorful and practical to put on children, even for inexperienced dads. Cleaning them requires more time, but I can personally guarantee you the cost savings and the positive health effects for the baby and the environment: rare redness, no nasty dermatitis, minimal environmental impact, and shorter diaper change times than the average.

The hygiene of a delicate skin

There are tons of products out there for children’s hygiene: lotions, bath foams and gentle shampoo (of course), wipes. However, a newborn, except when he poops, do need all these cleaners?

I have got away with water and a bar of Marseilles soap for the most filthy dirty. Moreover, I used just water, rice starch, and sweet almond oil to hydrate and softened the cradle cap for routine baths.


Now that he is a little older, I buy a shower gel with a good Inci that does little more bubbles for more funny bath times!


Many detergents and softeners are irritating to sensitive skin; lime and detergents for dishes are aggressive and difficult to dispose of.

As for house and laundry cleaning, I tried to educate myself better and, if it is true that the eco-certified products are on average more expensive than the traditional ones, it is also true that you can make them by yourself. There are many recipes online. Just Google “DIY detergents” and have a little time to play as small alchemists.

I started by cleaning the windows with a mixture of water and vinegar; then, I got to make soaps. Tomorrow who knows what am I capable of doing?


A different and integrated approach

From my little experience, I can say that having an eco-conscious approach to consumption is a matter of mentality change.

Initially, there is distrust: do conventional detergents clean better? Are cloth diapers unsanitary and impractical? Can I save money, even if the products are more expensive on average?

I tried it, and I must say that adopting these solutions has affected hygiene, but I found to buy far fewer products with better quality.

The environment thanks you, health as well, and wallet celebrates with them!


Chiara De Leonardis
“What could be more innovative than a new life? As a mom, I also feel like something of a start-upper, and I try to tell parents like me a thousand ways to bring innovation to the family. Follow me on innovation for smart parents!”