
Sharing is Caring: How to teach children about sharing and empathy

Have you ever wondered if the teachings you give your children are valid? Or do you repeat the phrases over the years (“It’s not your toy, remember to share!”)? There is a difference between learning by telling and learning by doing. Teaching children about sharing is one of the most important lessons they can learn, as it will help them in many aspects of their life.

Teaching children to share is one of the most important life lessons we can teach them. We also talked about it here.

Starting with the family, they learn the act of sharing from brothers and sisters, and the parents can significantly influence how each child learns to share with others.

The difference between sharing and giving.

When it comes to sharing, young children often learn the concept quickly. Whether sharing a toy with a friend or taking turns on the swing, children intuitively understand that sharing is essential.

Giving, on the other hand, is a slightly different concept. While sharing means dividing something equally between two people, giving means giving up something entirely for someone else. For example, if a child has two cookies and his friend doesn’t have any, giving a friend one of his cookies would be an act of generosity.

So why is it important for children to learn the difference between sharing and giving? When children share equally and take turns, they quickly know that everyone can benefit from working together. It can help them develop a sense of cooperation. Additionally, understanding the idea of giving can help children develop empathy for others.


Don’t force your children to share.

Your child is already learning to share at the ripe old age of four. They haven’t fully understood the concept yet, but they are starting to understand the idea of ​​”Hey! I have a toy! Someone else wants that toy, and I don’t want to play with it anymore!”.
Be a good role model. The act of sharing between brothers, sisters, and parents can significantly influence how each child learns to share with other people. Children learn best by example. If you want your kids to be cooperative, be cooperative yourself! Show them how much easier and more fun it is to get things done when we work together.

Here are some tips for promoting cooperation in your children.
One of the best ways to teach cooperation is to encourage your children to share with others. When they see the joy of making someone else happy, they will likely want to do it again. Of course, it also takes a lot of patience.

How to model patience?

Here are some tips for modeling patience with children:

• Be patient yourself. When you are calm and collected, it sets the tone for the situation.

• Explain why patience is essential. Help them see how they can make things go more smoothly and avoid conflicts.

• Try to see things from their perspective. It can be difficult for children to understand why they must wait; therefore, try to empathize with their situation.

•Give them some control. They may be more likely to accept if they feel like they have a say.

•Always encourage them to do acts of generosity and sharing.

Sharing is an essential aspect of children’s development. It helps them develop a sense of empathy and understanding for others and promotes their self-esteem.

And you, what kind of activities do you do with your children to promote sharing?