
Posted by admin in 21st Century Skills, DIGITAL LITERACY, Family, Parenting, Senza categoriano comment

7 Education Benefits of Video Games

7 education benefits of videogames

Today, video games have transcended their traditional role as entertainment and have become powerful educational tools. Research has shown that video games can significantly enhance children’s learning experiences when used mindfully. Previously, we have written about video games and their benefits in empowering emotional intelligence….

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Posted by admin in 21st Century Skills, DIGITAL LITERACY, Education, Lifestyle, Parenting, Sportsno comment

Video Games and Emotional Intelligence: Guiding Kids’ Educational Journey through Virtual Experience

a kid playing a videogame learning about emotional intelligence

In today’s digital age, emotional intelligence is crucial for individual success and social well-being. In this context, video games are fertile ground for exploring and developing such competence. Beyond mere entertainment, video games offer a unique platform to immerse oneself in complex emotional situations and…

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Posted by Katrin Orbeta in Education, Family, Parentingno comment

Reasons why environmental education is more important than you think

Reasons why environmental education is more important than you think

In a world where the environment is constantly under threat, it’s more important than ever to instill a sense of respect for the natural world in our children. Environmental education is one way to do this. By teaching kids about the importance of taking care…

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Posted by Katrin Orbeta in Education, Family, Parentingno comment

World Children’s Day: a day to remember and appreciate our little ones

World Children’s Day: a day to remember and appreciate our little ones

Raise your hand if you remember your childhood with nostalgia. Many people forget what it is like to be a child. It’s easy to get wrapped up in adulthood’s stress and forget childhood’s simplicity. But it’s important to remember what it feels like to be…

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Posted by admin in Education, Family, Lifestyle, Parentingno comment

Sharing is Caring: How to teach children about sharing and empathy

Sharing is Caring: How to teach children about sharing and empathy

Have you ever wondered if the teachings you give your children are valid? Or do you repeat the phrases over the years (“It’s not your toy, remember to share!”)? There is a difference between learning by telling and learning by doing. Teaching children about sharing…

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Posted by admin in DIGITAL LITERACY, Education, Parentingno comment

Cartoons: their importance in kids’ development

Cartoons: their importance in kids’ development

Every living being perceives the world through its senses. Learning through the senses is vital for children’s mental and physical growth. Hearing, touch, smell, taste, and sight are the windows by which they perceive reality. Today we focus on the importance of vision as a…

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Posted by Gwen Llana-Serrano in Family, Parenting, Parents in the worldno comment

7 Ways OFW Parents can Bond with their Kids

7 Ways OFW Parents can Bond with their Kids

Gone were the days when Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) had to pay for expensive long-distance calls to hear the voice of their children back home. Nowadays, OFW parents can use technology to easily keep in touch with their family, especially their kids. If you are…

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